how to use English in different situations for beginners

 how to use English in different situations for beginners

This book is a guide to practice the English language in different situations.

This book was written for primary and secondary school English Teachers. It contains grammar, speaking and listening activities designed to increase students’ functional communication skills. Currently, many teachers only use formal education teaching methods where the teacher lectures about grammar structures and the students take notes. Although these methods are appropriate for teaching language structures, they do not facilitate student fluency in English. The aim of this book is to help both primary and secondary school teachers design and implement non-formal teaching activities which promote students’ listening and speaking skills through communicative, language activities.

The Learn English online YouTube channel presents many courses and stories to learn English


  • Introduction
  • Unit 1: Greeting
  • Unit 2: Introduction
  • Unit 3: Job
  • Unit 4: Family
  • Unit 5: Invitation
  • Unit 6: Welcome
  • Unit 7: Thanks
  • Unit 8: Parting
  • Unit 9: Shopping
  • Unit 10: Asking price
  • Unit 10: Asking the way
  • Unit 11: Taking a Taxi/Bus
  • Unit 12: Eating
  • Unit 13: Telephone
  • Unit 14: Weather
  • Unit 15: Illness Interests
  • Unit 16: Language
  • Unit 17: Appointment
  • Unit 18: Agreement
  • Unit 19: Acceptance and declining
  • Unit 20: Compliment
  • Unit 21: Apology
  • Unit 22: Suggestions
  • Unit 23: Comparison and choice
  • Unit 24: Request-
  • Unit 25: Hotel
  • Unit 26: Post Office
  • Unit 27: Bank
  • Unit 28: Airport 

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