Grammar, speaking and listening activities PDF

Grammar, speaking and listening activities PDF

This book was written for primary and secondary school English Teachers and for everyone who want to learn english. 

It contains grammar, speaking and listening activities designed to increase students functional communication skills. 

Currently, many teachers only use formal education teaching methods where the teacher lectures about grammar structures and the students take notes. 

Although these methods are appropriate for teaching language structures, they do not facilitate student fluency in English. The aim of this book is to help both primary and secondary school teachers design and implement non-formal teaching activities which promote students listening and speaking skills through communicative, language activities. PART I of the book contains 15 Units. The topics covered here are generally taught in Standard 7 and Form I. 

They include: Nouns: Common/Proper, Countable/Uncountable, Concrete/Abstract, Singular/Plural, and Possessive Pronouns: Subject, Object, Possessive Verbs: Simple present, past and future; Continuous present and past; Modals, and How to Form Questions Adjectives: 1) Appearance, Character, Quality & Weather; and 2) Comparative and Superlative. Prepositions & Conjunctions Each unit has three sections which contain: Section I: Grammar Section I has two parts: 1) Presentation: Here the teacher will find information on specific grammar points to teach to the students, and 2) Practice: This part contains activities for the students to practice using the new grammar. Section II: Speaking Section II contains speaking exercises related to the grammar points taught in Section I. 

They are designed to help students to develop their communication skills while using the new grammar. Section III: Listening This Section contains activities that help students develop their listening skills. The listening topics are related to health, careers, student life, and the family. Many of these activities integrate the new grammar taught within the Unit. 

The Units are not presented in the order in which they should be taught. Teachers must sequence them to best meet their students' learning needs. 

PART II of the book contains Teacher Resource Materials for non-formal education activities. Here the teacher will find extensive resources that will help them design and/or implement grammar, speaking, and listening activities teach reading teach vocabulary write lesson plans use different non-formal education activities, and develop visual aids. This book is not meant to be a primary text. It should be used as a supplement. Teachers should pick and choose activities that will help them develop a functional language curriculum. 

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4 Commentaires

  1. Suis intéressée parce que la langue c'est un rêve d'objectifs de parler anglais

  2. English is an interesting international language my dream to learn it I hope that

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