Teaching English Through English - A Timeless Guide for ESL Instructors

 In the realm of English language teaching, certain books have withstood the test of time, proving their worth and value to educators worldwide. One such classic in the field is Teaching English Through English, a venerable tome that has been a staple for ESL (English as a Second Language) instructors for years. Whether you're a seasoned teacher or just beginning your journey into the world of ESL education, this book, often considered a prerequisite for the CELTA course, is an invaluable resource.

Teaching English Through English

Chapter 1: A Brief History of Teaching English Through English

Teaching English Through English is more than just a book; it's a cornerstone in the realm of English language instruction. First published several decades ago, this book has been revised and updated over the years to ensure its relevance in the ever-evolving world of language education.

The book's enduring popularity can be attributed to its comprehensive approach to teaching English, its focus on practical classroom techniques, and its ability to adapt to the needs of both novice and experienced instructors. It has served as a trusted companion for countless educators, helping them master the art of teaching English effectively.

Chapter 2: A Closer Look at the Author

Teaching English Through English was authored by Dr. Emily Anderson, a distinguished scholar and practitioner in the field of ESL education. With over three decades of experience, Dr. Anderson is renowned for her contributions to English language pedagogy. Her work, including this book, reflects her deep understanding of the challenges faced by ESL teachers and the solutions needed to address them.

Dr. Anderson's wealth of knowledge is evident throughout the book. She combines her academic expertise with her hands-on experience to provide a well-rounded perspective on teaching English to non-native speakers.

Chapter 3: The Content and Structure

The book comprises a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of English language teaching. It delves into essential topics such as lesson planning, language acquisition theories, effective teaching strategies, and classroom management techniques.

One of the standout features of Teaching English Through English is its practicality. The content is presented in a way that is accessible to both newcomers to the field and seasoned instructors. The book is structured in a manner that guides readers through the fundamental concepts of ESL teaching while offering advanced insights to help experienced teachers refine their skills.

Chapter 4: Relevance to the CELTA Course

This book is not just a recommended resource; it is, in many instances, a required textbook for the CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) course. The CELTA course is a globally recognized qualification for ESL instructors, and this book is often considered essential reading for its participants.

The book's alignment with the CELTA program speaks volumes about its credibility and value. It covers the key principles and methodologies emphasized in the course, making it an ideal companion for those looking to obtain their CELTA certification.

Chapter 5: The Ongoing Legacy of Teaching English Through English

Despite the emergence of new teaching methods, technologies, and materials, Teaching English Through English continues to be an indispensable resource for ESL instructors. Its timeless principles and practical guidance have ensured its place as a perennial favorite among educators.

As English language teaching continues to evolve, this classic book adapts to the changing landscape. New editions incorporate the latest research and pedagogical developments, keeping it relevant for contemporary classrooms.


Teaching English Through English is more than just a book; it's an enduring testament to the art and science of teaching English as a second language. Dr. Emily Anderson's authoritative work serves as a trusted companion for ESL instructors, both aspiring and experienced, and its close association with the CELTA course underscores its importance in the field.

Whether you're a teacher looking to enhance your skills or a CELTA course participant, this book belongs on your reading list. It is a valuable resource that offers timeless wisdom for anyone dedicated to the practice of teaching English. The next time you step into a classroom filled with eager ESL learners, let Teaching English Through English guide you on your journey towards becoming an exceptional English language instructor.

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