Speak English Fluently : 2000 Common English Sentences With Pictures For Biginners

Speak English Fluently : 2000 Common English Sentences With Pictures For Biginners

When it comes to learning English, vocabulary is probably the most important thing. Without words, you cannot read, hear, speak, or write. However, have you ever asked yourself:

“How many words  or sentences do I need to learn to become fluent in English?”

Let's take a look at the dictionary, you will find that there are about 470,000 different words in English. If you learn 20 words a day, it will take you...60 years to learn them all!

Focus on example sentences when learning vocabulary. Here's why?

When it comes to learning English vocabulary, the most important thing you need to focus on are example sentences because they help you to improve all your English skills - including vocabulary, listening, speaking, and writing.

Vocabulary: Example sentences help you understand the meaning of the word correctly, and remember it deeply. Why? Because you see the word in context.

Speaking/Writing: You will learn how to use a word in sentences — how to connect it with other words to produce correct English sentences. For each sentence you hear or read, you will be able to re-use it (or part of it) to produce your own correct sentence.

Grammar: You learn English grammar naturally. You don’t have to think about grammar rules to produce a sentence.  Phrases and sentences just appear naturally in your mind and they are all correct. You “feel" grammar, just like a native English speaker.

Here  the 2000 Common English Sentences With Pictures For Biginners: Read,  Listen & Speaking practice: 

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